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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Denne film er baseret på en sand historie. Den beretter om en gruppe afrikanske slaver og deres rejse, hvor de overtager deres herres skib og forsøger at vende hjem hvorfra de er blevet uretfærdigt kidnappet. Da skibet, La Amistad, bliver generobret, bringes de i fængsel og må under kummerlige kår afvente deres skæbne. Retssagen satte spørgsmålstegn ved grundlaget for det amerikanske retssystem - men for de implicerede var det en kamp for alle menneskers basale ret - frihed!. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Steven Spielberg's debut film for DreamWorks Pictures, 'Amistad', stars a distinguished cast led by Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou and Matthew McConaughey.Earning acclaim for its filmmaking and power, 'Amistad' was honored with four Academy Award nominations; Best Supporting Actor (Hopkins), Best Music, Best Costume Design and Best Cinematography. Based on a true story, the movie chronicles the incredible journey of a group of enslaved Africans who overtake their captor's ship and attempt to return to their beloved homeland. When the ship, La Amistad, is seized, these captives are brought to the United States where they are charged with murder and await their fate in prison. An enthralling battle ensues that captures the attention of the entire nation, confronting the very foundation of the American justice system. But for the men and women on trial, it is simply a fight for the basic right of all mankind... freedom. | Ekstra features:
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Andre udgaver af samme produkt: | Amistad | DVD (Brugt) | Med dansk tekst | 25,00 kr |  |
Awards nomineringer. |  |
| Instruktør: Steven Spielberg
Skuespillere: Abu Bakaar Fofanah Allan Rich Anna Paquin Anthony Hopkins Arliss Howard Austin Pendleton Chiwetel Ejiofor Darren E. Burrows David Paymer Derrick N. Ashong Djimon Hounsou Geno Silva Habib Conteh Jeremy Northam John Ortiz Luc Assogba Mariah Campbell Matthew McConaughey Morgan Freeman Nigel Hawthorne Paul Guilfoyle Pete Postlethwaite Peter Firth Ralph Brown Razaaq Adoti Stellan Skarsgård Stephen Conteh Tomas Milian Willie Amakye Xander Berkeley
Producent: Bob Cooper Bonnie Curtis Colin Wilson Debbie Allen Laurie MacDonald Paul Deason Steven Spielberg Tim Shriver Walter F. Parkes
Forfatter: David Franzoni