Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Efter Angel Investigations er flyttet ind i sine nye omgivelser fortsætter Cordelia med at have besvær med den gave, som Doyle efterlod hende. Angel begynder at blive plaget af erotiske drømme, der er foruroligende virkelighedsnære. I takt med, at drømmene bliver mere og mere virkelige, påvirker de Angels hvile og dermed hans evne til at bekæmpe mørkets kræfter. Da drømmene til sidst bliver til rystende realiteter, nægter Angel at acceptere sine venners hjælp. I stedet støder han Cordelia, Wesley, Gun og The Host fra sig, da han er overbevist om , at han denne gang må kæmpe alene, og det til trods for, at han viser sig at være oppe mod vampyrerne Darla, Drusilla og byens mest magtfulde paranormale advokatkontor, Wolfram & Hart.
- Judgement
- Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
- First Impressions
- Untouched
- Dear Boy
- Guise Will Be Guise
- Darla
- The Shroud of Rahmon
- The Trial
- Reunion
- Redefinition
- Blood Money
- Happy Anniversary
- The Thin Dead Line
- Reprise
- Epiphany
- Disharmony
- Dead End
- Belonging
- Over the Rainbow
- Through the Looking Glass
- There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] The second season of Angel saw the cult vampire show finally stand on its own from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, assembling all the members of the show's core cast, transferring the action to a fashionably run-down L.A. hotel, and bringing in a few Buffy characters from Angel's history to further establish the moody vampire's own mythology. Moving their Angel Investigations to posher digs, Angel (David Boreanaz), Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter), and Wesley (Alexis Denisof) were soon joined by street fighter (J. August Richards)--and by street fighter, of course we mean demon street fighter. But just as this group was solidifying, up popped Angel's old love, Darla (the fantastic Julie Benz), freshly arrived in L.A. from a hell dimension... just in time to be turned into a vampire again by her old cohort, Drusilla (Juliet Landau), and lure Angel into abandoning his newly formed team.
The Episodes:
- Judgement
- Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
- First Impressions
- Untouched
- Dear Boy
- Guise Will Be Guise
- Darla
- The Shroud of Rahmon
- The Trial
- Reunion
- Redefinition
- Blood Money
- Happy Anniversary
- The Thin Dead Line
- Reprise
- Epiphany
- Disharmony
- Dead End
- Belonging
- Over the Rainbow
- Through the Looking Glass
- There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb