Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den 19-årige Alice (Mia Wasikowska) dumper ned i det mærkelige Eventyrland, et sted hun allerede besøgte som barn. I en verden, der ikke ligner noget andet, begiver Alice sig ud på en fantastisk rejse for at finde sin sande skæbne, og bringe den ondskabsfulde Røde Dronnings tyranni til ende. I rollerne som de spøjse figurer i Eventyrland ses Johnny Depp (Den Gale Hattemager), Anne Hathaway (Den Hvide Dronning), Helena Bonham Carter (Den Røde Dronning), Michael Sheen (Hr. Kanin) og mange flere. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Tim Burton and Disney join forces for this 3D fantasy adventure based on the characters from the Lewis Carroll classics 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass'. Mia Wasikowska stars as the nineteen-year-old Alice, who returns to the magical world of her childhood adventure to reunite with her friends the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp), the White Rabbit (Michael Sheen), Tweedledum and Tweedledee (both played by Matt Lucas), the Dormouse (Barbara Windsor), the Caterpillar (Alan Rickman) and the Cheshire Cat (Stephen Fry). Alice discovers her true destiny as she joins forces with the colourful denizens of Wonderland to overthrow the wicked Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter). | Ekstra features:
The Mad Hatter Finding Alice Effecting Wonderland
Awards nomineringer. |  |