Kelly's Heroes (brugt) | Kellys Helte |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] De var en flok småsvindlere, indtil de fik nys om guldbarrene - en formue i konfiskeret nazi-guld. Clint Eastwood samarbejder igen med "Ørneborgens" instruktør i denne actionspækkede og humoristiske beretning om nogle menige, der beslutter sig for at få lidt ekstra ud af krigen. Eastwood, som på det tidspunkt var nr.2 på listen over biografstjerner i USA, spiller løjtnant Kelly, og han udtænker en plan til at komme ind bag fjendens linier og stjæle byttet. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] They were goldbricks until they found out about the gold bricks - a fortune in Nazi-confiscated bullion! Clint Eastwood re-signs with the director of his Where Eagles Dare for this alternately action-filled and tongue in cheek tale of GLs who decide to get something extra out of the war. Eastwood, North America's No.2 box-office star at the time, plays Lt. Kelly, mastermind of a scheme to slip behind enemy lines and steal the loot. Co-stars include a trip on the verge of big time TV success: Carroll O'Connor, Telly Savalas and Gavin MacLeod. Plus, Don Rickles pays the expectedly outspoken Crap game. And in the same year as his star making M*A*S*H, Donald Sutherland is Oddball, World War II's only hippie. Dig it! |
Andre udgaver af samme produkt: | Kelly's Heroes | DVD (Import) (Brugt) | Uden dansk tekst | 20,00 kr |  |
| Instruktør: Brian G. Hutton
Skuespillere: Boyd "Red" Morgan Carroll O'Connor Clint Eastwood David Gross David Hurst Dee Pollock Dick Balduzzi Don Rickles Donald Sutherland Donald Waugh Fred Pearlman Gavin MacLeod Gene Collins George Fargo George Savalas Hal Buckley Harry Dean Stanton Hugo De Vernier Jeff Morris John G. Heller Karl-Otto Alberty Len Lesser Michael Clark Perry Lopez Phil Adams Richard Clark Richard Davalos Robert MacNamara Ross Elliott Sandy Kevin Shepherd Sanders Stuart Margolin Telly Savalas Tom Signorelli Tom Troupe
Producent: Gabriel Katzka Harold Loeb Irving L. Leonard Robert Arthur Sidney Beckerman
Forfatter: Troy Kennedy-Martin