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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Filmen følger de tre bedste venner Dixon, Rifkin og Feller, der får tredive dage til at komme overens med hver deres skæbne. De er blevet indkaldt til militæret.
De er vokset op sammen i New York. De lever et meget forskelligt liv i den samme by, men deres barndom binder dem stadig sammen.
De næste tredive dage får de testet deres venskab, da de bliver konfronteret med deres livslange opfattelse af livet, døden og mod. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Drama set in a near-future America where the draft has been reinstated and three young friends must face up to joining the war effort. Aaron (played by Elijah Wood), George (Chris Klein) and Dixon (Jon Bernthal) have been friends since childhood, though now live slightly different lives and have differing perspectives on the world. Aaron is a novelist who believes the experience of war may be good for his development but faces challenges in his bid to prepare himself for combat. George is a successful attorney who is determined to use his professional skills to contrive his way out of the draft. Dixon, a taxi driver and the alpha male of the group, isn't phased by the prospect of combat to the point of relishing it, however a romantic encounter with Patricia (Elisabeth Moss) makes him begin to rethink his position. As the 30 day deadline approaches the three friends must face up to themselves and each other as they confront what it means to serve in an armed conflict. |
| Instruktør: Bryan Gunnar Cole
Skuespillere: Adam LeFevre Alexandra Rose Ally Sheedy Amir Arison Annie Rohling Charlene Biton Chris Klein Clark Middleton Daniel Oreskes Elijah Wood Elisabeth Moss Ginnifer Goodwin Ian Kahn Janelle Anne Robinson John Rothman Jon Bernthal Jordin Ruderman Malachy Cleary Robert Hogan Sofia Vassilieva Tinashe Kajese
Producent: Anthony Moody Daniel Sollinger Robert Malkani
Forfatter: Robert Malkani