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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Emma Woodhouse (Kate Beckinsale) henslæber sit liv i starten af 1800-tallet med at lege Kirsten Giftekniv for byens ugifte sjæle. Veninden Harriet står især for skud. Skønt hun har forelsket sig i en landmand, mener Emma, at hun skal stile højere. Uden held forsøger hun at matche Harriet med unge mænd med stand og formue i behold. Emma indser først, at hun leger godt og grundigt kispus med alle impliceredes følelser, da hun selv bliver ramt af Amors pil. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Emma Woodhouse (Kate Beckinsale) is beautiful, rich and clever and rules over her elderly father, Mr Woodhouse (Bernard Hepton). She tries to influence the love-lives of their circle of friends in the small village of Highbury, with comic and disastrous results.
Emma has no shortage of would-be suitors herself. The amorous vicar, Mr Elton (Dominic Rowan), competes for her love with the dashing Frank Churchill (Raymond Coulthard) and the outspoken and down-to-earth Mr George Knightley (Mark Strong). Emma largely ignores their advances, preferring to concentrate on finding a match for her new friend Harriet Smith (Samantha Morton) than to face up to her own desires. |
Andre udgaver af samme produkt: | Emma | DVD (Import) | Uden dansk tekst | 59,95 kr |  |
| Instruktør: Diarmuid Lawrence
Skuespillere: Alistair Petrie Bernard Hepton Dido Miles Dominic Rowan Guy Henry James Hazeldine Judith Coke Kate Beckinsale Lucy Robinson Mark Strong Neville Phillips Olivia Williams Peter Howell Phoebe Welles-Cooper Prunella Scales Raymond Coulthard Royston Munt Samantha Bond Samantha Morton Sunny Jim Dickinson Sylvia Barter Tabby Harris
Producent: Delia Fine Joy Spink Simon Lewis Sue Birtwistle
Forfatter: Andrew Davies Jane Austen