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Produceret: 1998
Genre:Science Fiction
Keywords:Rumskibe / Rumfart
Udgiver:Digital Video Dreams
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 15 år.
Længde:ca. 1 time 27 minutter

  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  79,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

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In the 22nd century, seven explores setout on a mission to earth's nearest sister planet, AURORA. Their mission - to survey and explore for future colanisation. When their ship suddenly malfunctions, the crew is forced to crash land on the planet's surface where crippling heat and poisonous water and fierce storms threaten their lives at every turn.

With a handfull of supplies and little hope of rescue, their only option is a gruelling 400 mile trek to their ship's lost supply bunkers. To survive, the men will have to push their endurance to the limit and entrust their lives to a leader who will risk everything to succeed, an matter what the consequences.

Christopher Kulikowski

Christopher Heltai
Christopher Stapleton
Colin Whelan
David Jean Thomas
Markus Botnick
Michael Otis
Micheal DiMaggio
Miguel Rueda
Newcomb Barger
Ted Wycech

Christopher Kulikowski
Colin Whelan
John Mark Godocik
Peter E. Nunnery
Steven Tempone

Christopher Kulikowski
Jay Sosnicki