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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] I 1940 på ejendommen Xanadu, dør Charles Foster Kane i en alder af 70 år. Hans sidste ord er Rosebud. Citizen Kane handler om hans fantastiske liv og levned. Alle forsøger at finde en mening med ordet rosebud og alle hans nære venner har hver deres udlægning. Kane vokser op hos en stor Wall Street finansfyrste. Han har stor fremgang og skaber sig en formue. Men Kane er aldrig rigtig lykkelig. Følg hans tragiske skæbne både gennem hans kærlighedsforhold og hans karriere... Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] CITIZEN KANE is Orson Welles's greatest achievement and a landmark of cinema history. The story charts the rise and fall of a newspaper publisher whose wealth and power ultimately isolates him in his castlelike refuge. The film's protagonist, Charles Foster Kane, was based on a composite of Howard Hughes and William Randolph Hearst so much so that Hearst tried to have the film suppressed. Every aspect of the production marked an advance in film language: the deep focus and deeply shadowed cinematography (from Gregg Toland); the discontinuous narrative, relying heavily on flashbacks and newsreel footage (propelled by a script largely written by Herman L. Mankiewicz); the innovative use of sound and score (sound by Bailey Fesler and James G. Stewart, music composed and conducted by Bernard Herrmann); and the ensemble acting forged in the fires of Welles's Mercury Theatre (featuring the film debuts of, among others, Joseph Cotten, Everett Sloane, and Agnes Moorehead). Every moment of the film, every shot, has been choreographed to perfection. The film is essential viewing, quite possibly the greatest film ever made and, along with THE BIRTH OF A NATION, certainly the most influential. | Ekstra features:
Dokumentar: The Battle Over Citizen Kane (108 min. - ingen undertekst)
Awards nomineringer. |  |
| Instruktør: Orson Welles
Skuespillere: Agnes Moorehead Alan Ladd Alva Baudena Arthur O'Connell Baudelio Alva Buddy Swan Charles Bennett Danny Borzage Demetrius Alexis Don Ackerman Dorothy Cleveland Dorothy Comingore Erskine Sanford Everett Sloane Fortunio Bonanova Gene Chervow George Coulouris Georgia Backus Gino Corrado Gus Schilling Harry A. Bailey Harry Burkhardt Harry Shannon J.J. Clark James Brought Joan Blair Joseph Cotten Loretta Agar Louise Currie Michael Audley Morgan Brown Orson Welles Paul Stewart Peter Allen Philip Van Zandt Porter Chase Ray Collins Robert Brent Ruth Warrick Ruth Warwick Sam Ash Sonny Bupp T. Lockwood Arbright Walter Bacon Walter Sande William Alland William Alston William Calkins
Producent: George Schaefer Orson Welles
Forfatter: Herman J. Mankiewicz John Houseman Mollie Kent Orson Welles Roger Q. Denny