Slap Shot (25th Anniversary Special Edition) |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Paul Newman spiller den halvgamle træner, der gør sig enorme anstrengelser for at holde liv i "The Charleston Chiefs". Holdets bedste spiller er en rigmandssøn, der håber at kunne købe holdet den dag, han har vundet de fleste spillers kontrakter i kortspil, og dels kan købe hele holdet af den fabrik, der er sponsor for det. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] A cult classic, acclaimed as 'one of the top ten sports movies ever', this irreverent and outrageously funny look into the world of professional ice hockey has Paul Newman as the coach of the chiefs, a third-rate minor league hockey team. To build up attendance at their games, management signs up three odd looking players whose job it is to literally attack and pulverise the opposition, to the delight and cheers o a steadily increasing throng of fans. Slapshot's hockey sequences, reminiscent of the football games in M. A. S. H. , The Longest Yard and the gruesome Rollerball, offer a freewheeling mixture of slapstick horror and grisly violence. |
Andre udgaver af samme produkt: | Slap Shot | DVD | Med dansk tekst | 49,95 kr |  |
| Instruktør: George Roy Hill
Skuespillere: Allan F. Nicholls Andrew Duncan Brad Sullivan David Hanson Jeff Carlson Jennifer Warren Jerry Houser Lindsay Crouse Martin Strother Michael Ontkean Paul Newman Stephen Mendillo Steve Carlson Strother Martin Yvan Ponton Yvon Barrette
Producent: Stephen J. Friedman
Forfatter: Nancy Dowd