Blades Of Glory (Lejefilm) (brugt) |
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Bemærk, dette er en brugt film!!! | | Når du køber en brugt film hos os, gælder de samme regler, som var det et nyt produkt du købte. kan du derfor af en eller anden grund ikke afspille den brugte film, har du fuld ombytning-/returret. |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Efter en skandale tvinges to konkurrerende kunstskøjteløbere til at samarbejde for overhovedet at få lov til at deltage i konkurrencer. De stiller op til OL som det første par af samme køn. En iskold komedie med hysterisk morsomme Will Ferrell og Jon Heder i påfugledragter. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Will Ferrell comedy romp set in the world of figure-skating. When rival figure skaters Chaz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) and Jimmy McElroy ('Napoleon Dynamite' star Jon Heder) start battering each other on an Olympic podium in front of the world's press, they're stripped of their gold gongs and banned from the sport for life. Several years down the line and they're reduced to IceCapades-type ice theatre shows and hating it considerably. There's one loophole that might get them back into competing but it involves them pairing up and becoming the first male-male pair in world figure skating. Their macho male egos are only two of the obstacles they need to overcome, and hating each other's guts certainly doesn't help... | Ekstra features:
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Awards nomineringer. |  |
| Instruktør: Josh Gordon Will Speck
Skuespillere: Amy Poehler Andy Richter Ben Wilson Craig T. Nelson Greg Lindsay Jenna Fischer Jon Heder Nick Jameson Nick Swardson Rob Corddry Romany Malco Scott Hamilton Tom Virtue Will Arnett Will Ferrell William Daniels William Fichtner Zachary Ferren
Producent: Ben Stiller Colin O'Reilly John Jacobs Lara Breay Marty Ewing Marty P. Ewing Patrick Esposito Peter Kohn Stuart Cornfeld
Forfatter: Busy Philipps Craig Cox Dave Krinsky Jeff Cox John Altschuler