Slangen I Paradiset (Box Set) (2 Disk) | Stephanies Hævn | Back To Eden | Return To Eden |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Finsk, Norsk, Svensk
Billedeformat: Fullscreen 1.33:1 (4:3)
Antal disk: |  |  | SS-DL: (DVD-9)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Stephanie Harper lever det søde liv. Hun er smuk, velhavende og gift med den flotte, professionelle tennisspiller Greg Marsden. Alt ånder idyl lige indtil Greg indleder en affære med sine kones bedste veninde, Jilly. Det forelskede par planlægger at starte et nyt liv sammen og øjner chancen for at få fat i Stephanies enorme formue - Stephanie skal bare skaffes af vejen. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Stephanie Harper has it all - beauty, riches and a loving husband. That is, until her husband falls in love with her best friend. In order to get her money he pushes her off a boat and into the waiting jaws of a crocodile. However, she survives the attack and, although horribly disfigured, spends months under the operating table to have her face restored to a different beauty. Now, she returns to the city under a different name and with a different face to seek vengeance on her husband, who has told everyone she was taken by a crocodile, and is now waiting the 7-year legal waiting period until he can gain her money and marry her best friend. Now, she can have revenge... |
| Instruktør: Karen Arthur Kevin James Dobson
Skuespillere: Alan Russell Benita Collings Bill Kerr Brenda Scallon Cedric Myers Charles Lathalu Yunipingu Charles McCallum Chris Haywood Chris Kavanager Harry Jervis Hudson Faucett Jackie Byrne James Reyne James Smilie Jamie Blain Jayson Duncan Jennifer Nairn-Smith Jim Holt John Burton John Lee Ken Goodlet Lois Ramsey Marcus O'Loughlin Nicola Scott Nicole Pyner Olivia Hamnett Patricia Kennedy Patricia Kennedy Paul Freeman Paul Sonkkila Peter Gwynne Phillip Avalon Rebecca Gilling Robert Wilde Sheila Kennelly Steve Djati Yunipingu Steve Grant Suzanne Devery Tony Blackett Wandjuk Marika Wendy Hughes Winton Quoy
Producent: Brendan Shanley Brian May Dean Semler Hal McElroy Michael Fuller Michael Laurence Owen Williams Robyn Richards Ronnie Barker Steve Amezdroz Tim Sanders
Forfatter: Bill Kerr Charles Lathalu Yunipingu Charles McCallum James Reyne James Smilie Jamie Blain Jayson Duncan Jennifer Nairn-Smith John Lee Ken Goodlet Michael Laurence Nicole Pyner Olivia Hamnett Patricia Kennedy Paul Sonkkila Peter Gwynne Rebecca Gilling Sheila Kennelly Steve Djati Yunipingu Wendy Hughes