Den Magiske Legetøjsbutik (brugt) | Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Molly Minhonning (Natalie Portman) er den generte og sky ekspedient i Mester Magoriums Magiske Legetøjsbutik, det mærkeligste, mest fantastiske og mest vidunderlige sted i hele verden, for her findes alt legetøj man overhovedet kan forestille sig, og både butikken og alt legetøjet indeni er levende. Da Mester Magorium (Dustin Hoffman), butikkens 243-årige indehaver, testamenterer alt til Molly og oveni købet ansætter regnskabs-mutanten Henning Vester (Jason Bateman) til at tælle legoklodser, dukker og dinosauruser, bliver Den Magiske Legetøjsbutik rasende! Mørke og mystiske begivenheder finder sted, og kun en 9-årig dreng Erik (Zach Mills) kan hjælpe med at genfinde magien. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Comedy starring Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is the strangest, most fantastic, most wonderful toy store in the world. It's a tantalising toy haven in which everything inside literally comes to life - including the store itself - and where marvels of every imaginable, possible kind, and beyond, never cease... until now. When Mr. Magorium, the store's extraordinary 243 year-old proprietor (Hoffman), announces that he will at long last hand over the reigns of his wonder-expanding store to his unconfident young manager, Molly Mahoney (Portman), the store decides to throw an unusual tantrum. As a skeptical accountant named Henry (Jason Bateman) comes in to audit the Legos and Lincoln Logs, not to mention the Whodathoughts and Whatchamacallits, the once sparkling, colour-saturated Emporium is suddenly embattled by mysterious changes. The playful toys are all still there, but they've turned gray and quiet - and only Mahoney and Henry can revive them if, with the help of a superdexterous 9 year-old (Zach Mills), they can find the source of magic inside themselves. |
| Instruktør: Zach Helm
Skuespillere: Aidan Koper Daniyah Ysrayl Dash Grundy Dustin Hoffman Dylan Authors Isaac Durnford Jason Bateman Jesse Bostick Liam Powley-Webster Lin Lin Feng Madalena Brancatella Marcia Bennett Mike Realba Natalie Portman Oliver Masuda Paula Boudreau Rebecca Northan Samantha Harvey Steve Whitmire Steve Whitmore Ted Ludzik Zach Mills
Producent: Barbara A. Hall James Garavente Jim Miller Joe Drake Joseph Drake Nathan Kahane Richard N. Gladstein
Forfatter: Zach Helm