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A Haunting in Massachusetts


Haunting of the Innocent

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Produceret: 2014
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 15 år.
Længde:ca. 2 timer

  UK Import
  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  39,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

Widescreen (16:9)

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Matt Hish directs this horror thriller starring Judd Nelson and Jessica Morris. When a man makes the decision to move his family to a small New England town after falling victim to a vicious attack, they discover that the home they have moved to has dark secrets of its own. As the family struggles to ward off evil spirits that believe the house belongs to them, they begin to realise that they are now part of a mysterious witch's plot to take over the town.

Matt Hish
Miko Dannels

Apphia Castillo
Autumn Federici
Brandon Sutton
Chase O'Donnell
Dane Hillis
Danielle Reverman
Dawn Lafferty
Drew Murray
Eden Alpert
Flood Reed
Gina Gretta
Hannah Cowley
Ian Ford
James Quach
Jessica Morris
John Joyce
Jotae Fraser
Judd Nelson
Mariah Bonner
Matt Hish
Neil Dickson
Patrick Arter
Phillip Atcher
Pilar Agraphiotis
Rib Hillis
Steve Radenbaugh
Tina Hillstrom
Vivienne Bollinger
Ward Edmondson

Alia Khoury
Autumn Federici
Chris W. Freeman
Gail Trasso
Jacob Horn
Jamal Dedeaux
Jimmy Marriot
Joseph Isgro
Joseph Khouri
Justin Jones
Nasif Khoury
Rib Hillis

Chris W. Freeman
Ian Ascher
Matt Hish