Angry Birds Toons - Season 1, Volume 2 |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Undertekst: Engelsk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.78:1 (16:9) (1080p High Definition)
Antal disk: |  | BD-25 (25GB BD-ROM)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Velkommen tilbage til Piggy Island hvor Angry Birds' overlevelse er på spil!
Slå dig sammen med Rød, Chuck, Matilda, Bombe, Blues og Torence mens de fortsætter med at klække planer for at forpurre de luskede Piggles planer om at stjæle deres æg.
Baseret på en af ??de mest populære spil i historien, er Angry Birds Toons, sæson 1, vol. 2 tilbage med alle dine favoritter i 26 sjove eventyr. Vil det lykkes vores helte besejre de frække Piggies én gang for alle? Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Second volume of episodes from the Finnish-made children's animation based on the popular video game franchise. Like the game, the series follows the rivalry between the pigs of Piggy Island and the birds who flock there. Despite the continual attempts of the pigs to drive the feathered inhabitants of the island away, these birds are no mere victims. Red and his friends Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues and Terence are more than prepared to fight to protect their eggs - and do so with vigour.
The episodes:
- Green Pig Soup
- Catch of the Day
- Nighty Night Terence
- Piggy Wig
- Pig Plot Potion
- Tooth Royal
- Night of the Living Pork
- King of the Castle
- Love Is in the Air
- Fired Up
- Clash of Corns
- A Pig's Best Friend
- Slumber Mill
- Jingle Yells
- El Porkador!
- Hiccups
- The Butterfly Effect
- Hambo
- Bird Flu!
- Piggies from the Deep
- Oh Gnome!
- Shrub It In
- The Truce
- Operation Opera
- Chucked Out
- Bomb's Awake
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