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A.C.A.B.: All Cops Are Bastards


ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards

Vis stor:  []

Produceret: 2012
Genre:Action, Drama, Krimi
Land:Italien, Frankrig
Aldersgrænse: Tilladt fra 15 år.

  UK Import
  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  39,95 DKK
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(ikke blevet opdateret)

(ikke blevet opdateret)


A rookie who joins the local riot squad faces some tough soul searching in this violent action drama from first-time director Stefano Sollima. With their jaded take on life, battle-hardened riot squad cops Cobra (Pierfrancesco Favino), Negro (Filippo Nigro) and Mazinga (Marco Giallini) dispense their own brand of instant justice wherever its needed - at the football stadium, at street protests, or simple evictions. But when new recruit Adriano (Domenico Diele) joins their ranks and witnesses the violence at first hand, he soon begins to have doubts about whether he's made the right choice.

Stefano Sollima

Alessandra Antinori
Alessandro Procoli
Alessandro Sanguigni
Andrea Sartoretti
Antonio Brundu
Balkissa Souley Maiga
Carlo Marino Altomonte
Domenico Diele
Eradis Josende Oberto
Eugenio Mastrandrea
Fabio de Caro
Faustino Vargas Morales
Filippo Nigro
Francesco Prando
Gabriele Mira Rossi
Geo Fiodor Passeo
Giorgio Marchesi
Giulia Smaldone
Hope Johns
Ilir Jacellari
Josafat Vagni
Livio Beshir
Lucio Patané
Lucrezia Piaggio
Marco Giallini
Marco Rea
Mauro Pescio
Nick Nicolosi
Paolo Giovannucci
Pierfrancesco Favino
Riccardo Angelini
Roberta Spagnuolo
Roberto Negri
Sebastiano Colla
Souleymane Sow
Stefania Bogo
Stefano Patti

Fabio Massimo Cacciatori
Franco Bevione
Gina Gardini
Giovanni Stabilini
Marco Chimenz
Riccardo Tozzi

Barbara Petronio
Carlo Bonini
Daniele Cesarano
Leonardo Valenti
Stefano Sollima